Palestine Aid Society of America is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization (EIN / Tax ID: 38-2381291), so your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.
Palestine Aid Society of America, in cooperation with Al-Najdah Social Association in Gaza and WASIL Center for Youth Development in the West Bank, provided food parcels and clothing to needy families during the month of Ramadan. PAS repeats this campaign annually during the month of Ramadan, and so far, it has been very successful in lifting the burdens of hundreds of families. We thank all donors for their generous contributions, and we look forward to everyone's support during Ramadan next year.
Dear Friends,
The PAS Embroidery Sale is back on track. Please join us on Sunday, November 21st @ 3 PM - 7 PM, at the Church of the Incarnation. We are grateful to Rev. Joe Summers and the congregation for providing the space to hold our annual event. All funds raised go to support Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. We hope to see you there.
Date: Sunday, November 21, 2021
Time: 3 PM - 7 PM
Location: The Church of the Incarnation, 3257 Lohr Rd., Ann Arbor, MI, 48108
Please make sure to wear a mask
Rabia Shafie
Wadad Abed